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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for Calendar & SchedulingCalendar & Scheduling
HANA9GW5HUIntroduces a new "validate" arg to CalGetApptunidFromUID
Hide details for Calendaring & SchedulingCalendaring & Scheduling
NRBY9HSJCCLocking for CalUpdateEntry is provided when supplying a uid.
NRBY9GVVB7This fix protects against multiple threads running concurrent C&S API operations on the same meeting which can lead to the meeting becoming...
JMOY9FZSHWFixes issue Notes Client issue where a user receives a counter notice, but it does not show the original Date/Time of the meeting
PFIE9LDMZNFixes some meetings displaying in wrong timezone.
Hide details for ClientClient
PESA6X6Q3UFixes issue when AD Sync is installed on a Windows 7 workstation, along with a full Notes client and Domino Admininstrator where if Active Directory...
PSPS9KW6WTNotes Mac Client cannot input any text running under OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
PSPS9LV9JPNotes Client Crash shortly after launch running under OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
ZMYY9M2DENNotes Mac client crash opening up certain preferences panes, such as Basic, running OS X 10.10 Yosemite
Hide details for Client UIClient UI
RHAN8CUMJEAdded a check to avoid a client crash when working or searching in the calendar.
CSAA9FBEJXFixes issue where when moving an icon on the notes workspace to a new place, it doesn't stick to the new location, but moves to an unexpected...
TMDS97JVZ9Fixes an intermittent "Cannot create window (Insufficient Memory)" error that would appear in a user mail file.
TMDS9B9LSEFixes Notes Client crash when attempting to use the Print Preview feature in Group Calendars.
YLJA9J98NSFixes Notes Client crash on Mac when opening certain documents with embedded views. This is a regression in 9.0.
YSAI9EQFEZAdded support for IME in quickfind dialog.
ASAO9HL9B6While trying to launch NBP via an OLE app, the Notes home page is launched and then the link provided by OLE app is launched in the next tab with the...
SKAI9G2DPFFixes intermittent Notes Browser Plug-in crash on Internet Explorer when opening names.nsf/local. The crash occurs during bookmark...
MNIA9HC54MFixes issue where when pasting "Using This Application" Document Link into iNotes, the clickable link title is a view name.
MNIA9HC4VJIn the case where a db is not opened , ID's were not assigned properly when a copy as link in About or Using page was done. For that reason copy as...
SKAI9G2EDPFixes databases not opening correctly when opened from Notes Broswer Plugin. As a result, the Notes Browser Plugin is left with a blank tab and or...
Hide details for ContactsContacts
MWID86JQSJFixes issue where customized labels were not retained when forwarding vCard for contacts. Requires new notes.ini EnableVcardAllFields=1 to be...
MNIA9FJ5S3Fixes contacts synchornization when using the Notes Browers Plugin. Before this fix, a Notes Browser Plugin user would received error message:...
Hide details for CSI ViewpartCSI Viewpart
JKEY8SKMXWFixes error: "Notes Cannot Process Your File. The Content Of This Url Does Not Conform To The Icalendar Parsing Specification." when an iCal file is...
Show details for DaosDaos


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